Tineret in Actiune
Agentia Nationala Antidrog
Ministerul Educatiei si Inovarii
Liceul Teoretic „Mihai Eminescu” din Calarasi este situat pe Strada Prelungirea Bucuresti, nr.8-12, telefon/fax 0242/33.35.53, adresade email: liceulmihaieminescu@yahoo.com. A fost infiintat in septembrie 1965. A functionat ca liceu teoretic si liceu industrial. Incepand cu anul 1990 a redevenit liceu teoretic. Planul de scolarizare in aceasta perioada a cuprins clase specifice profilului real si uman, specializarile transformandu-se in timp in raport cu nevoile comunitatii si cerintele elevilor si parintilor. Astfel la profilul real, in timp, s-a trecut de la clase cu specializarea matematica-fizica la clase de matematica-informatica intensiv engleza, matematica intensiv informatica, iar cele de chimie-biologie la specializarea stiinte ale naturii. La profilul uman, s-a mentinut specializarea filologie, iar clasa de limbi moderne - bilingv (limba franceza) a fost organizata in bilingv franceza (jumatate din efectivul clasei) si bilingv engleza (cealalta jumatate de clasa). In decursul anilor, colectivul profesoral a hotarat cuprinderea in planul de scolarizare a claselor gimnaziale, iar mai tarziu a claselor din invatamantul primar. Aceasta orientare s-a bazat pe dorinta colectivului didactic de a se realiza formarea elevilor incepand cu primii ani de scolarizare, in ultimii ani cei mai multi dintre absolventii claselor a VIII-a ai scolii noastre, obtinand medii de absolvire care sa le asigure continuarea studiilor liceale în unitatea noastra.
Calarasi,a small town in the south-eastern part of Romania, is situated on a branch of the Danube, named The Borcea River, close to the Bulgarian border. Our school, “Mihai Eminescu” Theoretical Highschool-in its present-day form, dates, back to 1964,when it appeared as a continuation(during the communist regime) of a famous local Highschool for girls which had come into being in 1925. Beginning with 1990 the board of professors decided that a revival of its old traditions should take place, and consequently the school, changed its profile form industrial to theoretical, and acquired today’s name (Mihai Eminescu is Romania’s national poet). More than 50 teachers and 1.000 students make up the school’s human resources, while its infrastructure resides in: 27 classrooms, one laboratory for each of the following subjects: physics, chemistry, biology, geography, English and French, 5 computer work labs with 106 computers and internet acces,1 gymnasium, 1 student counseling department, 1 modern canteen, 1 library, with more than 50,000 volumes, boarding facilities. Between 2000-2001 the school was completely renovated, now displaying a new eye-catching-look. It is not only its aspect that has changed, but also the people’s attitude. Students and teachers alike, find more and more pleasure in studying, in discovering new realms of learning. There are five primary-school classes, with children between the ages of 7 to 11, four classes with children from 11 to 15 and twenty four classes for highschool students aged 15 to 18. Each year of study consists in 6 classes, as follows:2 classes majoring in Mhatematics-Computer studies with the intensive study of English, 1 class majoring in intensive Computer studies, 1 class majoring in Natural Sciences and Chemistry, 1 class for philological studies, 1 bilingual class( English and French). Without any lack of modesty, we can assert that our school is the best of its kind in the area, for which stands proof the great percentage of students attending university studies, on the one hand and on the other the numerous prizes obtained by our students in various school competitions, both within the country and abroad. In the framework of the development of direct contacts between our students and those of other European countries, we have been and still are involved in a project with the European Cultural Centre “St. Jacques de Compostelle”, France the sessions being held twice a year, both in Saint Jean d’Angely and in Calarasi or other places in Romania. There are numerous other projects in which our students take part, such as the I*EARN projects, youth camps dedicated to artistical activities in Hungary, Bulgaria and France involving the participation of our schoolband “The Butterfiles”.
Adresa: str. Prelungirea Bucureşti, nr.8-12; Cod poştal: 915201; Telefon/fax: 0242/333553
E-mail: liceulmihaieminescu@yahoo.com
Niveluri de învăţământ: Primar-gimnazial-liceal
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